#that scene in s1e3
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lilcathsmith · 7 months ago
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Crime Show Meme - CSI insp [2/5 cases]
"you're acting like you're going to rescue a person, not recover a body. And on this job... that's just not usually the case. "I was rescued." - Gum Drops (Season 6 Episode 5, 20th October 2005)
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 5 months ago
S1E3- Aftermath of Monkey Bomb thru Silco Meeting Powder Storyboard by Ninoc Studios
Posted here because they took it off Vimeo
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kybercrystals94 · 1 year ago
Scraped Knees
By KyberCrystals94
Read here on Ao3!
Whumptober 2023|Day 15|Prompt 15: “I don’t need you to help me, I can handle things myself.” | “I’m fine.”
Rating: G
Words: 739
Summary: Set directly after Season 1 Episode 3 “Replacements”
Omega waits until the ship falls almost entirely silent before she tries to sneak out of her new room. She practices the quiet footfalls she learned from following Hunter on Kamino, creeping down the dim hall to where she remembered Wrecker pointing out the med kit during his grand tour of the Marauder. Her knees burn where the fabric of her leggings rubs on the raw skin from where she fell following the Ordo Moon Dragon into its den.
After glancing up at the cockpit where Hunter has first watch, Omega carefully pulls the kit off the shelf and lifts the lid, setting it aside. She frowns as she stares into the messy array of medical supplies. Great. So much for being quiet, she thinks sourly. All she needs is bandages, and maybe some antibiotic ointment to prevent any infection. She begins her search, quickly finding bandages, but struggling to find the antibiotic. She is debating on how necessary the ointment is when a voice says above her, “What are you doing?”
Omega wishes she could deny the pathetic squeak of alarm that escapes her lungs before she clasps both hands over her mouth, dropping the bandages back into the chaos of the kit. Curses!
“Hunter,” she says, looking up at the Sargent. She isn’t sure if he meant to sneak up on her or not, but by the guilty look on his face, she suspects not. Omega scrambles to her feet. “Sorry. I just—sorry. Uhm…”
Hunter looks down at the med kit. “Are you hurt, kid?” he asks.
Omega’s cheeks burn with embarrassment, though she can’t decide if it’s more from being caught sneaking into the med kit or having to admit she’s hurt. Needing bandages for scraped up knees sounds so childish when compared to the injuries her brothers must’ve sustained over their lives as soldiers. “No, I’m fine. Really.”
Hunter gives her a look, and Omega can’t hold his gaze, averting her eyes to the shadows in the corner.
“Omega,” Hunter says gently but firmly, “in this squad, we do not hide injuries.”
“It’s not an injury,” Omega protests, “I just sorta scraped my knees up when I was crawling around in that cave on Ordo Moon. It’s nothing!”
“Let me be the judge of that,” Hunter says, picking up the med kit and nodding toward the cockpit.
Omega frowns, but follows Hunter, climbing into the copilot’s seat. She rolls up her leggings to expose the torn-up skin on her knees. Honestly, it looks and feels worse than it actually is, she knows; however, the expression on Hunter’s face when he kneels down in front of her to examine the damage for himself makes her eyes burn. He looks so…concerned. Over something so minor. Whenever something like this happened in the lab, Nala Se would tell Omega she was more than capable of taking care of herself.
“‘Mega,” he says softly, “You should have told us.”
Omega blinks, surprised by the nickname. She’s never had a nickname before…unless she counted being called kid…
“I didn’t want to be a bother,” Omega says. She sniffs and roughly rubs a fist over her eyes to hide the tears that come.
Hunter smiles at her, a small thing that is barely noticeable, but she sees it. “It’s never a bother to take care of our own, Omega. You don’t know how many bloodied scrapes I’ve cleaned up and bandaged over the years, for all our brothers, and they’ve done the same for me. And you’re one of us now, right?”
Omega nods. She doesn’t trust her voice to come out without wobbling.
“That means,” Hunter continues, starting to rummage through the med kit, “when you get hurt, no matter how small you think it is, you’ll let one of us know, right?”
Omega nods again.
Hunter works with practiced ease, and with a gentleness Omega hadn’t entirely expected from a soldier. When he is finished, Omega rolls her leggings back into place while Hunter puts away the med kit. When he returns, Omega smiles at him. “Thank you, Hunter.”
“Sure thing, kid,” Hunter says, ruffling her hair. “You’d better get back to bed.”
“Yes, sir!” Omega slides out of the seat. She walks back to her gunner’s mount room feeling lighter.
As she curls back up under her blankets, hugging Lula close, she decides that having brothers is even better than she imagined it would be.
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the-words-we-sung · 1 year ago
The songs of Young Royals - S1E2 & E3
And I'm back with another song analysis article ^^ You can find the first one (in which I covered the songs from S1E1) here. I'm gonna do 2 episodes in this post because there are not many songs in episodes 2 and 3!
No tomorrow, Ty Frankett, Stephane Lo Jacomo and Myariag Summers
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I'll be in my feels They know I'm the truth When I'm pullin' up I'm bulletproof I don't really care 'bout the rules The most cool Wilhelm has ever looked ^^ He was all blushing and stressed during lunch about what almost happened with Simon, but here he's collected, alone but looking like he doesn't care and just plays it cool. He's the Prince so I guess it's true that the "rules" don't really apply to him but is he "bulletproof"? Unfortunately the whole debacle that is gonna happen with the sex video will prove that statement wrong... (We also know that most of the students at Hillerska don't care that much about the rules, and August says it himself: they could "murder someone and nobody would say a word")
ALPHA, Yung Titties
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ABC I'm the alpha bitch If you wanna know who runs this shit ABC I'm the alpha bitch When I'm in a car, I'm driving When I'm on a date, I'm buying Yes girls!! They run this shit ^^ I like that they choose this song when we see the 4 girls hanging out together. I do like them (Felice, Stella, Frederika and Madison) (putting Sara on the side because *complicated feelings*) They're far from perfect but compared to most of the guys in the school, they're pretty cool. I love Felice and how smart/nice/strong she is, and I love her friendship with Wilhelm later on. I hope she'll become even more badass in season 3!! And Madison is the best (and one of the few people in this school who is not terrible to Simon). The song stops as soon as August arrives and takes a chair to sit next to Wilhelm: because yeah, he's not an "alpha". I like that Madison and Felice don't take shit from August: when he starts mocking Simon and Sara (after Felice invites them to the movie night), they immediately tell him off. Then we see Vincent and Nils join August and start bothering the girls (throwing gums/candies at them) and they're not impressed: it's a very short scene but it highlights the fact that they're not interested in their stupid behavior. It's also the episode in which we see the difference between the girls and the boys when it comes to their relationships: we learn at the beginning that Madison and Nils hooked up during the party, but also that Nils was bragging about it and giving the experience a 9/10 while Madison admits doing it mostly because she was bored and not being at all into Nils. We also see August pursuing Felice who is not interested at all. Who run the world? Girls!!
Äter upp dig, Maxida Märak
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Nu ska vi leka hela världen är våran Huh inga hinder är för svåra Flyger över alla jag är lätt som en fjäder Strike like a pro BDSM läder Good boys gone bad Alla ser rött King Kong gone mad Jag är blöt du är naken Okay so it's a bit hard to do this one because it's in Swedish and I'm definitely not there yet with this language ^^' From what I understand with the translated lyrics, it's quite a "sexy" song (with some violent undertones: being a wolf, being naked, being wet, good boys gone bad, etc.). The first sentences are about playing and how they have the whole world, which is interesting because it's the parents day at Hillerska and we are introduced to a lot of upper class people, people who have a lot of money and power. In this sense, they are the people who can use the world as a playground: they have the means for that. They're rich and powerful, they're above. The lyrics are also about getting angry though, "seeing red, King Kong gone mad": a little nod to Simon and Sara being pebbles that are gonna throw the whole machinery off? During the lunch, Sara is going to mess up Felice's family with the riding issue (and they're the richest family apparently!). Wilhelm is also gonna upset the order by not sitting at August's table but choosing instead the one table with a family that doesn't belong to Hillerska's upper class environment. So I guess yeah, things aren't going to go that well. And to top it off, August is gonna learn that his family is in fact broke! Oh, how the rich and mighty have fallen...
Hillerska Song
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Hope and faith wherever we roam As we make our way back home Oh, we meet with open hearts Another one in Swedish but with the English subtitles directly in the show so it makes it easier to understand ^^ Simon and Wilhelm look SO happy and smiling and smitten in this scene 💜 I like the idea of making their "way back home" because they're not there yet, but they're getting there: being a safe space, being home for each other. And yeah in this scene they still have "open hearts", because Erik has not died yet, because the sex tape hasn't been made/released yet, because none of the awful stuff that is going to make them close in on themselves has happened yet. And Wilhelm is so cute and happy (and it's gonna become very rare to see him like that afterward) that this song deserves another picture ^^
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The songs of Young Royals - part 1
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ourflagmeansbts · 10 months ago
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Source (Season 1)
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lieutenantselnia · 1 month ago
I realised once again how bad I am at recognising faces ...
I started watching Charité (a German historical series about the Charité hospital in Berlin) and straight up did not notice that Justus von Dohnányi plays one of the main characters🤦 I don't often keep up with specific actors, but I really like many of his works (there are some films that I discovered only because they were listed in his filmography), and thought I would've probably grown accustomed to his face by now. To be fair in Charité he looks decently different since he has a beard and darker hair than usual (many characters that he played before that I know of were blond, which is also his natural colour I think). Still I wonder how long it would've taken me to realise it was him if I didn't have the show's Wikipedia page open on the side😅
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residentialsinyomakai · 1 month ago
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Random but this is still one of the funniest comments I ever got to date
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taemcains · 3 months ago
please blab to us about ur top 5 moments in hsr
1. cain
2. greg
3. future cain cat scene
4. present cain cat comparison
5. boris death
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cassmouse · 3 months ago
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someominousecho · 2 years ago
favourite thing about this season is the soundtrack, I think. I am so excited to hear We're Through this episode. I love watching Five kill people while Istanbul (Not Constantinople) plays in the background. I love listening to Kill of the Night when Five betrays the handler. I think they really got the songs right
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whippedcloudsofcream · 1 year ago
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Velvette in Hazbin Hotel S1E3: Scrambled Eggs
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pendragonsclotpole · 2 years ago
I’ve been trying to find a good screenshot of this moment all morning, but instead I’ll just describe it and why I love it so much. Episode 3 of Galavant, toward the very end of the episode, has a beautiful scene between Gal and Sid that is simply phenomenal. I love it so much because it’s an example of character growth done right.
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For the entirety of the show up until this point, Gal’s been the moping, jilted lover whose arrogance took some serious blows after being utterly rejected by Maddalena. I didn’t quite like Gal’s character but I found him funny, intriguing, and a bit of a useless jerk in need of wake-up call.
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The entirety of episode 3 is the reckoning he needed. Not only does he realize he’s not as great as he once thought, but he’s also willing to recognize the value of Sid and Isabella independent of him and this quest they’re on. He literally admits to Sid that he loves him and chose him as a squire because Sid was unafraid of being himself when it mattered most. We go from a Galavant originally insulted and unwilling to pretend to be a squire, even for his longest companion, to a Galavant willing to continue the ruse for a friend. And that realization happens with a nice song and dance, but also with a beautiful look he gives to Sid and Isabella. I love that moment and the way the actor played it. His eyes speak a thousand words and completely portray the emotions of a man realizing his own flaws and deciding to be selfless for once.
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It doesn’t magically turn Gal into a better man, and the next episode’s first song sequence perfectly outlines the annoyance that arises from being forced to travel with two other people you don’t always get along with, but it’s a great step toward the burgeoning friendship, love, and respect between all three of them. Galavant gives me low budget vibes in the same style of Merlin’s first season but my god do the actors fully expand on that as best as they can. They do it terrifically.
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mikesbasementbeets · 2 years ago
gjsjdhnfhs bi mike “evidence” that is literally just a list of visual parallels and the fact that mike often treats will the same way as the girl he’s supposed to like/his literal girlfriend with absolutely no nuance regarding the contrast in the emotional weights of the two relationships or ANY context for visually similar scenes and the fact that a “parallel” isn’t proof of 1:1 exactly the same character motivations just because mike makes a similar facial expression lmao
like bi mike truthers must literally think gay mike means that mike hates el actually and the fact that he cares about her at all means he’s bi
i’m so tired i’m SO TIRED
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spikeshairgel · 1 year ago
Soooo, imagine: in S1 of Good Omens in THAT wall scene, what if not-nina didn't walk in?
Azira: They're murdering each other?!
Crowley: *sighs* no, they aren't. No one's killing anyone, they're all having miraculous escapes... wouldn't be any fun otherwise.
Azira: You know, Crowley, I've always said that deep down you really are quite a nice-
Crows:*wall slam* Shut it! I'm a demon, I'm not nice, I'm never nice, nice is a four letter word. I will not- *groans* I'm a demon, for hells sake, a devilish representation of hell on earth!
Azira:*looking up at him* oh, Crowley, you are, really-
Crows: I'm evil, damn it, angel! *let's go of Aziraphales coat and slams his hands into the wall on either sides of Aziraphales head*
*they are not a breaths length from each other, Aziraphale starring up at Crowley's expression of fury. This position might have been deemed uncomfortable by anyone passing by, but Aziraphale found it rather natural. The skin of their faces almost touching, the somehow normal feeling closeness, the sight of Crowley's nose scrunching in anger.
Crowly hadn't even noticed the way they were standing there, pushed up against a wall of whatever corridor they were in, Crowley didn't remember. The thought didn't cross his mind until he took a step back, releasing the Angel. He wasn't completely sure why this made him cook with madness as much as it did. He- not the least bit gentle- took his glasses off.*
Crowley: I will never be nice or friendly or Good! I can't be! I- *sighs* It's not part of my job description to care for humans.
Azira: But I know, you-
Crowley: You don't. You could know how it is. The glimpse of falling you got was a sheer figment of your perfect, righteous imagination!
Azira: Well, you said you didn't fall, you "sauntered vaguely downwards"
Crowley: no matter the name, this train has the same destination: eternal Damnation in hell. *he looks down at his hands, seeing the slightly nagged pair of black sunglasses in them. The demon sets them back on his nose as he catches the Angel's gaze again.* Whatever that was... Satan.., who knows We better get on looking for... whatever it is we're looking for. We need to find the boy and we need to find him fast!
*With that, as if nothing was ever said, Crowley turned away and walked down the hallway.
Aziraphale, still pressed tightly to the wall, for no apparent reason at all, gazed at him strutting off. What had just happened, why did it happen and Why didn't Aziraphale mind at all? All those questions required to complex answers for Aziraphale to even bother asking himself them. His subconscious somehow just boiled it down to an almost comforting sense of understanding*
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emery-liveblogs · 2 years ago
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He big and angy
Also nice pun to ed
Its a good fight scene
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restistance · 10 months ago
would you believe me if i said… that i am on my second hannibal rewatch in as many months…
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